The Green Thread: Dialogues with the Vegetal World

Human to Plant Interaction

Florian Weil co-authored together with Chista Sommerer and Laurent Mignonneau a chapter about Plant Interfaces for the book The green Thread -  Dialogues with the Vegetal World. C. Sommerer,  L....
Startscreen MeinMedizintechnologie.deCalculator Tool for the public funding procedure

/By enables an indivudalized and personalized view on the services of New features are bookmark functions and simulation tools to support the decision making procedures of medical device...
Potato battery runs a digital clockExplaining plant prototyping tools


Florian Weil hold a guest lecture about Human Plant Interfaces with an included 4hour workshop. Some prepared prototyping tools and exercises were provided by him for the course Interfacing with Nature by...
Startpage of Medizintechnologie.deA database for medical engineering players in Germany

Online platform

The online platform, launched in May 2014, addresses the non-transparency state of informaton in the medical engineering industry of Germany. A medical engineering players database empoweres users to...
Masterthesis Sepia BackgroundMasterthesis BlackWhite Background

Artistic Human Plant Interfaces

We are living in an age with many social challenges and environmental changes. Physical limited resources and environmental effects caused by human actions are two indicators of our disturbed...
Season Patterns in Linz near Volkspark at SpringSeason Patterns in Berlin Neukölln at Autumn

Season Patterns

The human perception responds positively on natural environments with many plants. Especially, during the seasons spring and autumn people are excited by the shape and colours of plants. The...
Game Controller PrototypeExplaining Game Design and Game Art

Build your own Game Art Installation

Juliane Springsguth and Florian Weil had the chance to develop a new game hacking workshop format for teenagers (Mostly 8th graders around 13-15 years old) in cooperation with the "Berufsorientierte Schulprojektwochen...
Dead Tree Drop with a notebookDead Tree Drop at Landwehrkanal in Berlin Neukölln

Dead Tree Drop

The "Dead Tree Drop" project is based on the idea of an offline filesharing network from Aram Bartholl. It adds the features of a tree in an urban environment...