The Green Thread: Dialogues with the Vegetal World
/Posted by: fweil
Florian Weil co-authored together with Chista Sommerer and Laurent Mignonneau a chapter about Plant Interfaces for the book The green Thread -  Dialogues with the Vegetal World. C. Sommerer,  L. Mignonneau and F. Weil, Human...
Masterthesis Sepia BackgroundMasterthesis BlackWhite Background
/Posted by: fweil
We are living in an age with many social challenges and environmental changes. Physical limited resources and environmental effects caused by human actions are two indicators of our disturbed relationship with nature. These developments...
Categories and overview of (multitouch) gestures
/Posted by: fweil
A design research about gesture design for pointing devices in screen-based environments. For exploring design patterns, the analysis investigated the gesture design of five different end-user products: Desktop operating systems, mobile operating systems, 3rd Party software, small software...