Startscreen MeinMedizintechnologie.deCalculator Tool for the public funding procedure
/Posted by: fweil enables an indivudalized and personalized view on the services of New features are bookmark functions and simulation tools to support the decision making procedures of medical device experts in...
Mobile Screens of the was futtern iOS AppSearch form on the Android app was futtern
/Posted by: fweil
Was futtern is web and mobile app dedicated for people, who doesn't know what to eat at current moment. Based on their user input, like the chosen national kitchens, a collection of ingredients, and a...
The iOS Version of the RVG-Assistent app.
/Posted by: fweil
The RVG-Assistent app is for lawyers in Germany. It enables lawyers to inform their clients instantly about their fees and the court charges based on the German attorney remuneration...
Screenshots of two Flash Lite Apps for Radio of the future
/Posted by: fweil
Designing and developing Flash Lite (Mobile) Apps for the Research & Development project Radio der Zukunft by the Südwestrundfunk (SWR) in Baden Baden. The prototypes were used for internal market and user...